Who (誰)?
Hello there! This is the writer Anna. I was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, until living in the Kanagawa prefecture of Japan from the fifth grade. When I'm not out searching for new cafes to find, I am running, eating good food, and trying new things.

KoShoku Diaries 〜子食日記 is a blog I started in the July of 2023 because of my unusual obsession with "Kodomo Shokudo," or children's cafeterias. I wanted to go everywhere and anywhere these cafeterias were running. What role do these cafeterias have in their communities? Are there any huge discrepancies in their quality depending on their locations? Do they or should they get government funding? Are there any issues these cafeterias are currently running into? ... With so many questions on my mind, I had to go investigate.
KoShoku Diaries〜子食日記は2023年の7月に、子ども食堂に関する私の不思議な興味によって始めたブログです。子ども食堂について興味深々で、日本で運営されている全ての子ども食堂に行きたくて仕方がありませんでした。「子ども食堂は地域でどのような役割は果たしているのか」。「子ども食堂が運営されている場所によって食堂のクオリティーに何か差があるのか」。「政府からの支援を頂いているのか、又は、政府からの支援を頂いた方が良いのか」。「今子ども食堂のネットワークの中で特に問題となっているものはあるのか。」、、、沢山の疑問が頭の中に溜まっていたので、研究するしかないと思いました。

I opted for photography as the main method to document my journey of going to different children's cafeterias across Japan. While my amateur photography skills and an iPhone 11 camera is nowhere near professional, I'm a firm believer in deepening people's understanding through imagery, and if my photos or blog posts can help de-stigmatize or debunk any misconceptions about children's cafeterias (check the "What?" page), I personally think there is value to them. I hope to highlight the endeavors of different children's cafeterias across Japan, along with any useful information about how one can be involved in the betterment of their community. Along the way, if others can join me in my niche hobby by supporting it or the cafeterias in their communities, that would be all the better.
子ども食堂についての研究を主に、言葉と共に、写真を通じて記録するようにしました。私のアマチュアな写真撮影の知識とiPhone 11を使って撮った写真は決して凄いものではありません。しかし、画像を使って理解を深めることはとても重要なものだと思っていて、写真を通じて子ども食堂について何かネガティブなイメージを打ち消すこと(「What?」ページ参照)が出来るのであれば、私の写真でも価値があるのではないかと思います。日本にある様々な子ども食堂にスポットライトをあてていき、一つ一つの子ども食堂の努力がしっかり伝わるように頑張ります。何かしたいけれど、何をすればいいのかが分からない方々にも、ボランティアやご寄付などの情報をしっかりと記載していきます。

I also want to note that this blog highly emphasizes the accessibility of its community through both the usage of Japanese and English. For Japanese users, we hope this publication will be useful in mastering your English. For English users, we hope that this publication will be useful in mastering Japanese (trust me, I know I really needed it). Even so, no matter which language you are comfortable reading in, or even which country you reside in, I hope accessibility to both languages will encourage you to join and support our community.
Instagram: @koshoku.blog
Facebook: @Koshoku Diaries